Join Croux and fill shifts quickly with great, local talent.
10,000+ Workers
90% Fill Rate
Efficient Process
Effective Results
Less than half the cost of traditional staffing agencies
We're looking to partner with businesses that can offer compelling opportunities to our talent pool. Our partners should treat Croux talent with respect and kindness, and be open and honest about the shifts they're posting.
Contact our sales team at or via SMS at 205-583-6084.
Absolutely! Croux has successfully staffed corporate events, music festivals, and weddings of varying sizes. If you need staff for a one-off event, please submit an inquiry here:
Can't find the answer you're looking for?
We're here to help! Contact us via email at or via SMS at 205-583-6084.
Croux was made by the industry for the industry. Our mission is to connect talent with opportunities and uplift the hospitality industry.